Akademia Membership - Artist Accelerator

Akademia Membership initiates your enrollment in our Artist Accelerator Program (Global Marketing Campaign, International Performance Venues). Akademia's Global Marketing Campaign spans over 200 radio stations, press, video, retail, licensing and live channels, reaching audiences in major cities all across the globe. Akademia Performance Venues give you priority access to our cutting-edge digital venues in which you may connect with global audiences and thrive. As an Akademia Member, you'll retain 100% of your creative rights and revenue throughout the program.

Option 1: Monthly Recurring- ($49.95/ month)

The monthly recurring payment covers the cost of your Akademia Membership - Artist Accelerator on a monthly basis. You will never be asked to pay more than this amount. With this option, Akademia Member dues are automatically deducted from your PayPal account or credit card on the same date each month. Please ensure that sufficient funds or credit are available in your account on this payment date to avoid delays and possible interruption of your promotional campaign. Although you will undoubtedly see results within the first few months of your membership, please note that the effectiveness of the campaign hinges upon a full twelve-month execution. By clicking on the below payment button, I attest that I have read and agree to the Terms Of Service.

Artist Name:
Song Title:

Option 2: Twelve-Month Prepayment - One Month Free! ($549.45)

Twelve-month prepayment covers the entire cost of your Akademia Membership - Artist Accelerator for the year. This is the recommended option as there is no risk of interruption to your campaign due to billing problems. You will never be asked to pay more than this amount. With this option, you'll pay less and will be able to focus on your creative development without worrying about monthly payments. Although you will undoubtedly see results within the first few months of your membership, please note that the effectiveness of the campaign hinges upon a full twelve-month execution. By clicking on the below payment button, I attest that I have read and agree to the Terms Of Service.

Artist Name:
Song Title:

Option 3: Manual Monthly ($74.95/ month)

With this option, your Akademia Membership - Artist Accelerator fees are manually paid by you on the same date each month. Not doing so will cause delays and possible interruption of your campaign. You will never be asked to pay more than this amount. Although you will undoubtedly see results within the first few months of your membership, please note that the effectiveness of the campaign hinges upon a full twelve-month execution. By clicking on the below payment button, I attest that I have read and agree to the Terms Of Service.

Artist Name:
Song Title:


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