
What's New In Akademia

Charting a New Course

For nearly fifteen years, Akademia has played a role in helping artists stay one step ahead of the curve in a changing environmental, social, economic and technological landscape. This is because we believe that human creativity operates on the highest ordered state of our reality, transforming everything beneath it. As such, effectively channeling our creative energies is the most powerful and important use of our minds. We have continued to observe events of the past few years and feel, more than ever, that society (and the creative community) have drifted even further from this core concept, in favor of lesser goals (i.e. obtaining subscribers, likes, views, money and fame). During this period, we began to articulate a new vision and course for Akademia and we are extremely excited about its possibilities.

The changes outlined below reflect a renewed focus on the core creative process and what making art is all about. As artists, ourselves, we began to rephrase the question 'How can creativity fit into our lives?" into "How can our lives be structured around our creativity?" This subtle change in how we phrase the question, can produce profound changes in your reality. These changes can come in the form of good health, close family relationships, a sustainable balance with the environment and a deep involvement in the creative flow that will sharpen your artistic identity and enable you to release creative works on a level and frequency you had never thought possible - while costing virtually no money at all. This reflects the power of human creativity to transform all ordered states of information beneath it.

Award Recognition

Akademia is now recognizing the uppermost echelon of practitioners in the fields of music, art, literature, film, dance, architecture, science and humanities on an annual basis. With this change, winning an Akademia Award will become even more of a career distinction - and achievement that will elevate your work to the highest level and ensure your mark in history. Akademia is now also providing encouragement and guidance to those who are close to achieving their true potential, since the goal of our awards is not to promote competition but to inspire the pursuit of artistic excellence. Submission to the Akademia Awards is now free and non-monetary.

Gala Events

Since 2016, Akademia has been holding physical and digital gala events to celebrate artists' achievements. After five years of digital awards presentations(in part, due to the pandemic), this year's 2024 Gala Event and special Hall of Fame Induction ceremony was held in-person on Akademia land in northern Los Angeles on May 18, 2024. Although the event received mixed reviews, those who stayed on to attend the full event expressed a high degree of satisfaction. We particularly enjoyed sharing ideas and getting personal time with artists. That said, based upon the overall outcome of the event and the importance of maintaining a sustainable balance with our environment, we have decided to go back to a digital awards presentation for the forseeable future, beginning with the upcoming January 15, 2025 Akademia Awards. Please note that while Akademia land will continue to be used to protect artists' works, we are no longer using the moniker 'Diamond City', as we feel this does not reflect the sustainable ethos of our organization. Below is the short video of our 2024 Gala Event.



Award Plaques

For over a decade, Akademia has produced handcrafted, custom award plaques to honor various artist achievements. We took great pride in these original items as works of art, themselves, and hope that they have brought happiness and satisfaction to your lives, as well. However, due to the increasing environmental impact, decreasing reliability of mail carriers and a need to get back to the core creative process, Akademia has decided to no longer produce new physical award plaques. All current orders received will be processed, produced and shipped, as promised. Award winners will continue to receive their digital award certificate. We hope that this will encourage you to get closer to the core creative process so you can begin to enjoy its true benefits.

AMI's (Akademia Minted Items)

In 2022, Akademia unveiled a new initiative designed to safeguard artists' creative works and provide the potential for sale of these unique minted items, without losing the rights to their creative work. As real physical items, AMI's are designed to avoid the pitfalls of the digital NFT market (which subsequently collapsed). Please note that we have reserved all of the spots for the first vault and are not currently accepting any more AMI submissions at this time. We are continuing to work on the creation of the first vault. Progress has been slow-going due to the importance of using sustainable building materials for a structure that is intended to last millennia. We are determined to complete this pilot project and will be providing separate updates to all artists who have submitted their AMI's.

Be Heard

In April of this year, we were very excited for the launch of Primordia by our partner XR Media. Primordia offers a dashboard view of the placement of your artistic works on 200 XR Media Stations targeting cities across the globe. XR Media now allows up to five creative works to be featured. They are also in the process of upgrading all stations to 1) create a much more attractive platform to feature your works, 2) to utilize the YouTube player for the full artist experience and 3) to include playlists for art, literature, film, dance, architecture, science and humanities which will add a rich array of topics and broaden viewership.

In conclusion, we recognize that many of these changes are a sharp departure from the way we've done things in the past. We can assure you that these changes are essential to navigating a successful path through the dynamic and challenging landscape that lies ahead. We remain grateful for your continued support and look forward to fostering greater creativity and artistic excellence, together.

Living In The Creative Flow































































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